

A shipping booking and real-time track & trace system

The goal of this project was to provide customers of the Dutch logistics company Shypple with the ability to quickly and conveniently track the delivery of goods by sea. The Shypple service allows you to search, compare, order and manage foreign delivery options. The system also provides a deeper understanding of the cost of delivery. The front-end part of this single-page application (SPA) was developed using TypeScript + React.js, while the back end used Ruby on Rails + PostgreSQL. We were also tasked with implementing a marketing website with basic information about the company, which we did using the popular CMS WordPress.

Task on the project

To develop a service for freight shipping ordering and tracking

For this service, we implemented

  • the search and selection of contractors;

  • cargo tracking on a map;

  • drift chat for each order;

  • various supporting documents;

  • a marketing website.

Project image

Project results

€21 million

turnover of the company’s in 2018

More than 120 clients use this service constantly

The service has been recognized as a Startup of the year in 2018

Have an idea?
We have relevant experience and ready to get to work.
Hire developers


Artem Sapuga

Artem Sapuga

Head of development department

Developer x2
Developer x2
QA Specialist​
QA Specialist​

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